after giving it a couple of days (since this post) to really let it sink it, he was super excited to start school! he went to bed last night knowing that when he woke up he'd get to go to school.
here he is enjoying his breakfast
(usually we have cereal but since today was special we had scrambled cheesy eggs, potatoes, banana, yogurt and orange juice)
here he is outside of the building, and yes his eyes are closed because of the sun shining in his face but i still thought it was cute. he was really saying ''cheese''!
here he is outside of his ''wee wigglers'' classroom
during drop off time, it's free play. once everyone is accounted for they head to the circle rug for story time and phonics. after that they do an activity/craft, then snack time and then a game/song or they head to the gym. while talking to Ms.Deb, bubba came up to me again. at this time some of the other moms were leaving so i told him that it was time for the mommy's to leave. i told him to go play and to listen to his teacher, he gave me a big hug and never looked back.
surprisingly we both took it very well :)
i ran a few random errands while he was in class then went and picked up pooks and peanut. see, here's the thing...bubba was excited and hesitant to start school. pooks however wanted nothing more than to go to school and he couldn't. i was nervous about how drop-off/pick up would go with pooks then seeing the classroom. in my mind i imagined a tantrum of epic proportions when bubba got to stay and pooks had to go.
so i decided that i would take pooks to pick-up bubba first, so he would see all the kids cleaning up and lining up to leave (rather than during free play during drop off). it went quite well. he did ask to play a few times but he stood by me and held my hand. Ms. Deb said that bubba did really good, he was really quiet but seemed to have fun and behaved well. this week is pretty laid back, just getting the kids used to the class and teaching them how to line up, where toys go when you clean up, etc.
when we got to the car i asked bubba if he had fun. he responded that ''yes, i played and it was fun. i not talk to other kids though, i just was shy." while he wasn't like "we did x, y and z today'' he did talk about it once i prompted. for storytime they read ''If You Throw a Pig a Party" and then (in his words) "we made the puh sound too. just yike da letter P". he also got to play basketball and they had a snack. after repeating "waisins and gonola wars'' i figured out it was raisins & granola bars.
overall it was a very positive experience and he is excited to go again tomorrow! my little guy is growing up :)
Ah man! He is growing up so fast :) Glad it went so well, I can only imagine that it would be difficult to leave him some where new for the first time.