Saturday, October 29, 2011

Family portraits!

So you may have noticed from the new blog header, we had family portraits taken. It was a really great opportunity, he captured some amazing photos and just an example of a "well the worst they could say is 'no'."

I should interrupt myself here and mention that while I wanted professional family portraits for awhile, we are in the midst of moving, currently on vacation before that move and don't have the extra $200+. But we have a family friend who is a graphic designer and has started doing more photography. He does it commercially. Photo shoots of dance warm ups, coaches jackets, etc. Well I messaged him and asked if would be willing to take our photos while we were in town. I didn't care when or where, I didn't care if he used his Nikon and fancy lenses or my Canon Rebel and one of my two lenses. I just wanted one decent family photo. Oh, and I could only pay him in gratitude, compliments and food. He immediately messaged back and said sure. He'd never done family photography and would love to be able to experiment with us, see what to do and what not to do, etc.

So one Friday afternoon we met up, he let us do what we do (no posing or cheesiness) and captured some great shots of our family. He took all of the photos, processed and edited a few and left the editing up to me on the rest. (We were tight on time since we were leaving town; we're now into part/town 2 of our vacation). I love editing so it wasn't too hard for me to invest some time into our pictures. A couple I probably won't share as they will go on our Christmas cards but here are a few that I liked...
 And our outfits? Well not what I had envisioned but I had only packed the boys Converse All-Star shoes. I wasn't about to go buy three new pairs of shoes so instead I ran to Wal-Mart and found these thermals/t=shirts. I think it fits our family better than the Polos and long sleeve shirts/layers I had originally planned. I was pumped that Ron and I had packed clothes that coordinated, Miss Moo got her outfit for her birthday and it worked perfect. The boys' shirts were $5.50 each so it was win-win!

Tim if you're reading this, thanks bunches! We had a blast and love the photos!