Each kiddo was so excited and so nervous that he was going to get left out that I had kids reaching for everything. Pooks smashed an egg, bubba spilled brownie mix all over the table, and peanut was promptly trying to eat/touch all the ingredients. It was a hectic 10 minutes to say the least but B enjoyed watching (and photographing) the ordeal.
trying to get everything ready (pooks already tasting the mix)
And despite the mess, the 2 broken eggs, the fact that pooks ate raw egg off of his hand when said egg broke, and the brownie mix that stained the grout on the table, the end result was FABULOUS!
We ate the brownies after an easy-peasy lunch of mac & cheese. Dinner however was enjoyed at the Olive Garden (where I was not allowed to mention that it was a certain someones birthday) and was delicious nonetheless. The Birthday Boy received a homemade birthday card from the kids and I, as well as some fancy schmancy Sony sound bar thingy for the tv. Overall, it was a good day and I think B enjoyed himself. :)
Ooh, those look delish! And, cute apron! And, cute blog design. I always love what you come up with!