Thursday, July 17, 2008

how to eat an apple

as demonstrated by pooks:

STEP 1: First off you want to taste the apple, make sure that you like apples
STEP 2: MMMM! If you decide that you like apples, continue with the next step
STEP 3: Place apple in your mouth and say "Cheese"
Step 4: Relax the ''cheesing'' a bit to open eyes. Is mom impressed??
STEP 5: After making mom laugh (then instilling the fear that I may choke) show her that I can remove the apple.
STEP 6: Coyly eat remaining apple. Mmmm!;)


  1. He is so freaking adorable. gotta love him

  2. What a total cutie!! What a ham with the camera! Have you entered them lately in any contests - your boys and/or your pics? You really should! Thank you for making this available for us to see and keep up with your lives...and we think we are busy!!! We are and so are you!
