Can you tell I'm excited?!
For one, this is the trimester of fun stuff! I'll feel the baby move, then kick and punch. I'll find out the babie's gender. I know from experience that I'll finally look obviously pregnant (and not like I'm still carrying weight from being preggo with Pooks), but I won't be uncomfortably huge yet. I'll get to start buying clothes and picking out bedding. We'll get to have a 3D ultrasound done. We will narrow down a name. It's fun! Plus the fact that we've seen the baby, heard the heartbeat and made it to the 2nd trimester, drastically reduces the chance of miscarrying. Dr. P actually told me my odds of miscarrying were now ''1 in a million". Not that I have a history of miscarrying (because i don't) but its still re-assuring.
So without further ado, my first 2nd trimester belly pic!
*please ignore my pj's*
Congrats to you S! Another great picture! Twins????