Tuesday, March 11, 2008


which translates too "i can finally let the boys play outside", and this my friends deserves a giant WOOHOO! i hate winter. HATE. so the fact that it got up to almost 70 degrees today was beyond exciting. here are a ton-o-pics from outside today, mostly of pooks because he was more contained than bubba, thus sitting still for pics better.

the boys on their 'playground'

bubba pushing pooks in the swing bubba pointing at a squirrel up in the tree
pooks showing off his teeth
a cute pic of pooks outside our shed
and below are the ''super cute pictures from today'' that i mentioned in yesterday's blog. they are off pooks after he used a frozen Thin Mint girl scout cookie to teeth on. very cute but very messy. (don't worry, B cleaned him up! )

seefood anyone?

we know better than to trust that little face!

monkeying around after he finished playing peek-a-boo afterwards



  1. Thank you for keeping up so we can watch the kids grow!

  2. Aww I love the pic of Ryan looking to the sky and pointing! So mature looking.. I know you dont want to hear that.. sorry. Love pooks playing peek a boo.. What a doll! Once again I love those cheeks!!!

    Love auntie s
