Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What a weekend!

I didn't get a chance to blog over Labor day weekend. Thankfully I wasn't in Labor, we just spent the weekend being lazy and hanging out with family.

On Friday...I don't remember what we did, lol. Peanut had a slight fever but it wasn't really affecting his behavior at all so we thought it was teething. Saturday we all slept in until 10:15am! It was amazing. Then we went over to Nanaw & Papa's house to hang out. Uncle Matt and Aunt Rachel were in town so we visited and had dinner over there.

Sunday we returned to Nanaw and Papa's house for a BBQ. We had the most amazing pulled pork sandwiches that were to.die.for. Seriously, delicious. We again chatted with Matt and Rachel as well as Papa Bob and Gma Mary. After eating, we ended up taking Peanut to Stat Care because he still had his fever, was acting super fussy/clingy/grumpy and I thought maybe he had {another} ear infection. Luckily he doesn't. It's ''just'' a virus.

Monday we stayed home and the in-laws came to town for a visit. It was nice having them over as they live 2 hours away. The boys chowed down on some yummy Vietnamese food...Peanut inhaled the food. Seriously I don't think that he could have eaten more rice if we let him.While he had quite the appetite, he was still 'sick'. Fever, sleeping a ton, clingy, etc. We pushed fluids and did the whole Tylenol/Motrin every 3 hours as needed thing and he did better.

Well today is Tuesday and he's still irritable and still has a fever. I'm thinking I might have to take him back to the doctor. He doesn't have a cough, no runny nose, he's eating/drinking/wetting fine, no rashes, no ear tugging--I don't know what's up but yesterday his fever reached 103.3 so it's pretty high. Tylenol and Motrin always bring it back down though so I'm kinda at a lost.

I hate it when our babies are sick and we can't physically do anything to make them better!

1 comment:

  1. Poor peanut! When we were on vacation E had a high fever like that, no other symptoms, and we never figured out what it was, but it finally went away. Hope you are able to get some answers or even better, the fever just goes away!
