Sunday, December 2, 2007


sorry i haven't been updating very regularly. i kinda feel like death warmed over. i dont know if its a sinus infection or cold or what, but i'm miserable. nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, headache, etc. anytime the kids sleep, i lay down. they are both doing good though. bubba has a runny nose, pooks is unaffected. they are definitely keeping me on my toes!

we did get our car, its an 07 pacifica in blue and i love it! it rides so nicely, its got a navagtion system and satelite radio--obviously the nicest car i've ever owned! the boys like it too. you know its a smooth ride when they fall sleep after about 10 minutes!

anyways, i'm gonna try to get out our christmas cards out this week, it just depends on how i'm feeling. here are a couple new pics to get you through the weekend ;)

Pooks in awe of the Christmas Tree

Rub a dub dub, two babies in the tub!

Bubba reading Pooks a story...

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