Monday, May 11, 2009

not me! monday

i have to admit that i am enjoying this ''not me!" monday confessional. much like mckmama said today, it's rather therapeutic! family, friends and random people at target tell me that "the boys are SO well behaved" or that i am "such a great mom" and while i will gladly accept all those compliments, and know deep down that they are true, it's nice to come clean about a few little things. for example

i most definitely did not set off the smoke detector while burning making breakfast this morning. and there is no way that i did so while making something as simple as toast. that would just be dingy. and you can bet that since i didn't burn the toast, i most certainly didn't set off the smoke detector a second time either! and if bubba happened to tell the cashier at target that we had a fire at our house at breakfast, i certainly would not feel the need to explain that there wasn't a fire, just some smoke while turning red from embarrassment.
(and i have no clue where those pictures came from either!)

i also am not so immature as to inhale helium while airing up party balloons and then sing (in that high pitched squeaky voice) ''happy birthday'' to sweet little pookie. three seperate times...while being video taped. nope, not me. i am a great role model to my children and would never do such a thing. but if i did, i know that i would stress that only grown up's are allowed to do it!

and there is no way that a stay at home mom like myself would allow my hubby to do all the dirty laundry by himself on a sunday. and i certainly wouldn't take a 3 hour long nap while he did the laundry. and i definitely wouldn't ask him come in from doing the laundry and ask him to change the baby's diaper. nope, not me! that would be so selfish.

finally i know that i would never stay up til almost 1am ecstatically excited that i am finally able to twitter via my cell phone. i would not then go so far as to add a twitter feed to my blog on the right side beneath peanut's bio. nope, not me! that would be so silly to get so excited about something like people care what i'm doing throughout the day! gee sh!

1 comment:


    The twitter status update is on the right side. Remember hold out your hands. Look for the 'L'. BOOM!
